Alma Nilsson


Alma Nilsson

Alma Nilsson

Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction

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    Nov 2019

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  • Born

    15 November

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I am a Swedish author of science fiction based on a fictional future where humans are small-time players in the big-time galaxy. My books are a part of the Alliance Series which are true to the science fiction genre in that they make the reader question their own morality in the character's situations. There are no heroes or women being rescued in any of my stories, instead, readers are led through a maze of alien courting customs, strict religious codes, and compromises, often uncomfortable, between men and women to come to solutions that work for both within the confines of Alliance culture. These books are meant to ask a question about a fictional, what-if scenario, ‘How connected are love and sex?’ As sex is a primal instinct, but is love? Separating love from lust. And, asking if it is possible to separate sex and love in a marriage that will last centuries? And finally, how far are we prepared as a society to acknowledge adultery? Each book in the Alliance series follows a completely different woman on her individual journey into this alien world.


Alma Nilsson Books

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  • 1574330668253-then-another-thought-occurred-to-babette-now-that-i-have-used-this-sexual-program-am-i.jpg


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